Excelling at Excel

August is a weird time of year. Summer is on the way out, but it's not yet time for Halloween, Bonfire Night or the anticipation of Christmas (I'm already seeing tinsel in the shops!). It's also been a weird time for my writing. On 13th July, I finished the readthrough of Hero draft 2! It... Continue Reading →

When in Rome…

June has been an interesting month. I put down a project that was 30k words strong, but research has begun on what will hopefully be my second novel (and heck is there a lot of research). Work continues on the Hero readthrough. None of this feels like "proper work", and the whole time I'm getting... Continue Reading →


May has been a month of many projects. After I finished Hero draft 2, it sat in a drawer for two weeks (well, it sat in a folder on my laptop). During that time, I focused entirely on Green and had quite a few 1000+ word writing days. Act 1 is done for now, though... Continue Reading →

When Draft 8 Becomes Draft 1…

On 7th April last week, I finished draft 2 of Hero. It was a quiet thing. I'd given myself a vague June deadline, but after realising I could comfortably up the daily word goal from 600 to 1000 words, things sped up considerably and suddenly it was done. I had the typical "post-draft blues" for... Continue Reading →

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