Writing Advent Calendar 2018!

Merry Christmas Greeting PhotoIt’s that time of year again! I’ll be posting a prompt a day up until 24th December. See if any of these inspire a prose piece, a poem, a blog post, a drawing…? I’ll be doing these too and will post some of my work up on Twitter (@GraceHaddon). Merry writing!
  1. The protagonist of the last film you watched and the last book you read go for a Christmas coffee together. How does that play out?
  2. Someone is making a cup of tea. Make it interesting.
  3. Your protagonist is burying something. (Literally? Figuratively? Both…?)
  4. Make a favourite food disgusting or a hated food delicious.
  5. Not all dragons hoard gold…
  6. What is the “perfect” murder?
  7. Someone is eating cake in the bathroom.
  8. “It looked like a normal house, except the whole thing was built from blocks of…”
  9. The object closest to your left hand is your only weapon against the zombie in your house. Distract, attack or escape?
  10. A six-word text message that could ruin someone’s life..
  11. Make a birthday party scary.
  12. Your protagonist wakes up one morning to find they can talk to plants.
  13. A character who is your exact opposite experiences an ordinary day in your life.
  14. Describe your dinner plate but convince us it’s a planet.
  15. Green snow.
  16. Your greatest skill is now your superpower.
  17. A vampire bites your pet parrot.
  18. You can skip ten minutes of your life but only once. When do you use it?
  19. On mobile, type “The story of” and let predictive text title your next masterpiece.
  20. It’s 200 years into the future. What can scientists grow on trees?
  21. What is the opposite of your current job (or your dream job)?
  22. Rearrange the lyrics of a song to make a poem or story.
  23. The seven deadly sins attend a Christmas party…
  24. If your favourite beverage was a person… make a character!



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